What are My Stay Here's review guidelines?
We believe in free speech, transparency, and clear communication. When creating a review, we ask that you stick to the facts. The best reviews provide constructive information that helps the community make better decisions.
My Stay Here's default position is not to censor, edit, or delete reviews. However, we reserve the right to remove reviews that violate our content policy.
We don't allow:
Reviews that do not represent a user’s personal experience .
Reviews unrelated to the actual reservation (ex: political, religious, or social commentary).
Content that endorses or promotes illegal or harmful activity or violence, or is profane, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, threatening, or discriminatory.
Content that violates another person’s or entity’s rights, including intellectual property rights and privacy rights (ex: publishing another person’s full name, address or other identifying information without permission).
Content that is proven to be used as extortion.
Content that refers to an My Stay Here investigation