My Stay Here hosts share their spaces in 190 countries and more than 34,000 cities. All you have to do is enter your destination and travel dates into the search bar to discover distinctive places to stay, anywhere in the world.
Tools that help you search
We display photos of listings, host profiles, and reviews to help you make informed decisions when considering a host's space. We've also created search filters so you can narrow your results by type of accommodation, price, and location. For example, if you’re looking to make friends and stay with a host, select Private Room or Shared Room. Or if you’re looking for an entire space to call your own, go ahead and select the Entire Place filter.
Contacting hosts to book a stay
Once you complete your profile to give hosts a good idea of the kind of guest you are, you can request to book a host's space by clicking the Contact Host or Request to Book buttons, or you can use Instant Book to confirm your stay without having to wait for a host's approval.